Wildlife Center Baby Shower Weekend

Fri. Aug 30th, 2024 to Mon. Sep 2nd, 2024

Did you know there are native wildlife species who produce offspring later in the season? Wildlife staff, interns, and volunteers are currently providing care and raising these late-season babies, some into the early fall. We need your help to meet the special needs of these baby wildlife patients currently in care and as we transition to our winter season.

DCHS's Wildlife Center receives no federal or state funding and there's no fee for bringing in an animal. The program relies on community supporters to fund operations. The average cost of rehabilitating a wildlife patient at DCHS’s Wildlife Center is $100.

So, we're holding a virtual baby shower from August 30th - September 2nd to raise awareness and fundraise.

Follow DCHS's Wildlife Center's Facebook page during this weekend to see how you can help make an impact on the lives of tiny wild animals.

Instead of item donations, we are asking for monetary donations. This will help us finish out the baby season and transition to winter with funds for the variety of animals and needs that arise during the season change. Donate directly to DCHS's Wildlife Center below!

Donate to DCHS's Wildlife Center

Thank you so much for your support! Your generosity gives a second chance to the late-season babies being cared for by the Wildlife Center! Your monetary donations will help our Wildlife Center accommodate each animal’s specific needs.