When a young cat arrived at Dane County Humane Society as a stray, we had no idea about his special needs but, thanks to supporters like you, we were prepared to take him in and provide him with the care he deserved.
Biscuit was skinny, dirty and had a host of medical issues, most notability an odd high-stepping gait, similar to that of a show pony. While it was quirky and cute, we were concerned about what this might indicate for his health. Our Animal Medical Services team determined he suffered from cerebellar hypoplasia, a disorder that occurs in kittens when mother cats become infected with the panleukopenia virus during pregnancy. This impacts the development in the part of kittens’ brains that control coordination, which resulted in Biscuit’s odd gait.
After many medical exams, our experienced veterinary team determined Biscuit was in no immediate medical danger but he would need a special family to monitor his condition in the future. He did not have to look for long though – Hannah, a DCHS adoption counselor, fell in love when she saw this prancing cat!
Biscuit is doing well in his new home. He is still learning how to properly interact and play with his new cat siblings, but loves his new dog sister! “When I saw Biscuit for the first time I knew he was so special and full of love, so I had to have him,” says Hannah. “I’m so glad I adopted him. He brings so much joy and love to my life every single day!”
Your support helps our Adoption Counselors find the perfect match for thousands of homeless animals every year, and sometimes those perfect matches are not far away!
Your generous donations allow DCHS to meet each animal’s unique behavioral and medical needs. Your love of animals helps ensure we have the necessary resources to provide quality medical care, behavior modification, foster care and wildlife rehabilitation. Thank you for all you do, and consider supporting DCHS this #GivingTuesday!