Each year Dane County Humane Society recognizes special supporters, donors and businesses that have made a significant difference in helping us achieve our mission. We give these three awards as a way to show our deep appreciation for those who go above and beyond to support the shelter.
Executive Director’s Award – NCI-Roberts Construction
The Executive Director’s Award, recognizes a business partner whose support of DCHS is characterized by heart. NCI-Roberts Construction, especially known in the community for their good work in the field of non-profit construction, has been partners with Dane County Humane Society for 20 years and counting!
NCI-Roberts has worked with us through several construction projects, including our beautiful main shelter in 1999, the addition of a new wing in 2014 and a major wildlife center remodel in 2016. During all of these projects, NCI-Roberts went above and beyond to save the shelter money, even salvaging materials like countertops and cabinets from other projects for us to utilize.
In addition, NCI-Roberts also supports us year after year with significant event sponsorships. When we work with NCI-Roberts to put together a sponsorship agreement or building proposal, their first question is to see how they can best help us meet our needs. We are grateful that they are part of our history, our present and will be involved in our future endeavors yet to come!
NCI-Roberts Construction is pictured at the top of this article with Doug Brown, Jace Jontz, Pam McCloud Smith, Mary Grundahl, Jeff Grundahl, Lisa Sotis and Joe Goode.
Dr. Paul Candlin Award - Phillip Levy
The Dr. Paul Candlin Award, named after the first Dane County Humane Society Veterinarian, recognizes donors whose contributions over the past year have directly impacted our ability to achieve our mission. For over two decades, Phil has been a champion for animals in Dane County.
Phil recently joined our new Philanthropy Committee and his enthusiasm and passion for our mission truly shines. He has supported many projects throughout our main shelter, our wildlife center remodel and expansion, a 100 foot flight pen for raptors, our horse and livestock barn, and has already given to our upcoming Centennial project. His new position on the Philanthropy Committee gives him a new way to share his passion.
Phil’s family foundation is the Irving and Dorothy Levy Family Foundation, started by Phil’s parents in 1958. After Irving and Dorothy passed away, their three sons Phil, Marv and Jeff have continued in their footsteps, giving to the community through the Foundation and personally as well as contributing their time and talent. The legacy of Irving and Dorothy’s generosity lives on with Phil and his love of animals.
Ida Kittleson Award - Al Greene
The Ida Kittleson Award, named after the founder of Dane County Humane Society, recognizes a community member whose actions and deeds exemplify our mission. Al Greene is being recognized for his contributions as a long-term volunteer at Dane County Humane Society. He is a valued member of our organization who began volunteering with us in 2009.
Al, an advanced Wildlife Caretaker, works with our raptor and bat rehabilitation programs and serves a weekly reception shift, handling patient intakes and fielding questions from the public. Al is part of our wildlife rescue and transport team, dropping everything on a moment’s notice to go out in all of our Wisconsin seasons to rescue injured wildlife. Since 2014, he has been involved in the rescue of over 60 wild animals!
Al is the lead volunteer of our Wildlife Building and Grounds Committee and is a founding member of our Wildlife Steering Committee. As Brooke Lewis, our wildlife rehabilitation program supervisor said, “I honestly don’t know what we would do without Al! He has really become our rock that we all lean on when we need help.”
Al goes above and beyond doing things for us every day. From stuffing thousands of envelopes for a mailing to getting down in the dirt to remove invasive burdock from around the rehabilitation pens in our wildlife center, he does it all. He generously gives of his time and talents and has donated over 6,000 hours since he began volunteering at DCHS. He is kind, compassionate and truly makes a difference in the lives of many people and animals.
Thank you to all of our award winners! You are truly making a difference for Dane County's people and animals. Thank you!